Want to start a blog? Searching for best blog idea to start blogging in 2022? There are a lot of great blogs niche ideas out there that could be profitable in 2022. Here are 20 of the most profitable blog niche ideas to get started in the next year.

What are The 20 Most Profitable Blog Niche Ideas/ topics to start in 2022?

Looking for some ideas for profitable blog niche ideas? Check out our top 20!

1. Finance

Making a blog on finance gives you so much traffic per day as it is all time trending topic. This niche has many sub-topics you can explore like –

  • Personal finance – You can share tips about managing finance
  • Budget – In this sub-topic, you can share tips about, ‘how to manage budgets?’
  • Financial independent – Share tips or ways to become financially independent
  • Savings & Insurance – Share about the different insurance services lists and their features

3. Career & Education

This blog niche can cover a wide range of topics related to work and education, such as interview tips, job search advice, or graduate school admissions advice. Whether you’re looking for advice on starting your own career path or seeking advice on post-secondary options available to you, this might be a great blog niche for you! Topics might include posts focusing on career exploration (e.g., what industry should I pursue? What steps should I take first? What resources do I need?), expert insights from people who have successfully pursued specific educations/careers paths (e.g., college professors sharing advice about pursuing an academic career), insights from people who have recently left their respective careers behind (e.g., shedding light on what worked well for them during their previous job search), or posts highlighting educational opportunities available through specific companies/organizations (such as Google jobs).

3. Relationship blog ideas

These days this is the most trending blog idea that talks about relationships among couples, husband and wife, and how to build good relations with anyone?

Ideas which you can explore in this niche are –

  • Dating blog – Share dating tips and other relevant information
  • Marriage blog – Share tips to maintain a marriage and how to live happily after marriage
  • Relationship advice blog – Here you can share tips about how to manage relationships?

4. Health Fitness & Nutrition

This is a popular blog niche that covers topics related to fitness and nutrition, such as diet plans, workouts, or recipes. This is the most traditional and searchable blog idea which still are in trending in 2022.

5. Homesteading & Gardening

This blog niche can cover a wide range of topics related to gardening and homesteading, such as growing plants indoors or outdoors, cooking from scratch, or creating natural home remedies.

6. Pets & Animals

This is a popular blog niche that covers topics related to pets (dogs, cats, horses) and animals (eagles, snakes), either in general or with specific focus on one type of pet or animal. It is a popular blog niche that covers topics related to dog training and breeds, such as dog training methods, dog breeds list, or rescue dog stories.

7. Crafts & Hobbies

This is a popular blog niche that covers topics such as crafts projects (such as quilting or sewing), creative hobbies (such as photography or painting), or home improvement tips (such as installing cabinets or landscaping).

8. Tour & Travel blog

This is a popular blog niche that covers topics such as travel writing tips (including planning trips yourself or finding inspirational travel stories), adventure travel guides (including information on where to go and what to do while on your trip), destination polls (asking visitors their favorite places in the world to visit), or local traveler blogs where you can share your traveling experiences.

9. Foodie & Culinary

This is another popular blog genre that focuses on food-related content – from recipes to restaurant reviews to gastronomy news – anything and everything food-related!

  • Recipes blogs – Share different food recipes of different continents
  • Food-related – It includes bakery blog idea like discussing about all the baked food. This is very specific niche idea.

10. DIY & Home Improvement

This is a popular blog category that covers everything from how-to projects (like makeovers or home improvement tips) to DIY tutorials (including projects for all sorts of rooms in your house).

11. Parenting Advice

If you have experience parenting or have been around parents enough to write about it, this could be a great blog niche for you! Topics could include advice for raising kids the right way, dealing with tough situations as a parent, or helping other parents out with similar challenges.

Technology & Gadget Reviews

If you’re an expert on technology or gadgets, this could be a great blog niche for you! Topics could range from reviews of the latest and greatest tech products to in-depth reviews of specific types of tech gear (like gaming consoles or cameras).

Pregnancy-related blog

This blog idea is very specific, unique and trending these days because of their urgency. In this blog, you can share all the tips which helps any women during pregnancy.


Every company needs marketing tips and tricks. By making blog on marketing idea, you can reach to the large audience. Apart from all this, you can also set some product links and earn in lakhs. It includes various sub-topics blog idea like –
  • Affiliate marketing – This is another type of marketing where you can share all the tips and tricks about affiliate marketing.
  • Digital marketing – This is most common blog idea but still effective in 2022. Nowadays everyone search on digital marketing.

15. Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

This is most trending blog idea of 2022, by making blog on cryptocurrency, you can share – latest news about cryptocurrency, about blockchain and how it works. It is reported that only 30% people knows about cryptocurrency, so this idea gives you biggest exposure in short period of time.


By making blog on sports industry, you can share latest sports news or you can work on any specific sports topic like biking, cycling, football, cricket, running, marathons and many more.

17. Entertainment

There’s no doubt that entertainment content is one of the most popular types of blog content. In fact, according to a study by the International Data Corporation (IDC), entertainment blogs generated an average of 2.2 million unique clicks in the United States in 2016. So don’t wait start today.


Psychology is very interesting blog idea, every one likes psychological talks. You can post of different psychological topics and engage your audience. This can be done by writing about topics that are relevant to them, and by creating graphics, videos, or even articles that are visually appealing.Here are five psychological blog ideas that will help you connect with your audience:

  • Write about the psychology of relationships
  • Share inspiring stories about overcoming adversity
  • Examine the neuroscience behind mental health issues
  • Talk about the effects of stress on physical health

19.Facts sharing blog

Everyone likes unique facts, so this blog idea still trending in 2022 and can gives you millions of traffic per day. Not only the blog, but you can also make your facts-related channel on any social media platform like facebook or instagram and promote your blog.

20.News blog

News blog are all time trending blog ideas as millions of searches are on different kind of news. By sharing all kinds of latest news, you can huge amount of traffic every day.


Hope you like it and start your blog journey today to get millions of traffic each day by following above trending blog topics ideas.

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