
Man-made brainpower has turned into a stylish term in the business world, however what does it really mean? AI refers to programs that can make their own decisions based on information they’ve gathered through analyzing data. While you might think this technology exists only in science fiction, we’re already using it every day—in our phones, computer, car, and more. To work with and develop artificial intelligence, you’ll need to learn how to code, which means learning one of these five programming languages first!


With its solid community, user-friendly syntax, and a wide array of libraries for machine learning, data analytics, and more, Python has become a favorite programming language among AI developers. The simple-to-understand code is well-suited to newbies as well as experts. It’s also widely used in academic settings. Python offers an ideal balance between functionality and simplicity. Some experts also say that its syntax is easier to follow than some other languages like Java or C++. In addition to being popular with AI devs, it’s been ranked as one of the top five most popular programming languages overall by IEEE Spectrum. When it comes to getting started with AI development, there are many different paths you can take. If you want to learn how to create algorithms quickly and get your AI software up and running fast, Python may be your best bet. That said, if you want better control over low-level functions like memory management or prefer using compiled instead of interpreted code (that means less overhead), then something else might be better suited for your needs.


Known for its versatility, Java is an object-oriented programming language with a large and powerful ecosystem of libraries and tools available. With Java, you can easily develop an AI program that works across devices and different OS platforms. Popularity: The TIOBE Index lists Java as number 1, meaning it’s the most widely used programming language at present. This makes it a logical choice for creating AI. Benefit: Being cross-platform allows you to build AI that will work on any device or platform in your pipeline (mobile, web). Cons: It’s not great at some specific tasks like real-time processing or natural language processing. Also, Java is slower than C++ or Python. Resources: Stack Overflow has tons of answers to questions about Java programming. GitHub also has plenty of open-source AI projects written in Java. There are many books written on Java development and artificial intelligence. How To Learn: Learning how to code using Java is a long process, but there are online courses such as Coursera’s Introduction to Computer Science, edX’s Introduction to Computer Science, Udacity’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Udemy’s Artificial Intelligence A-ZTM: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks, and Khan Academy’s Learn Computer Science from Scratch.


A lot of companies are using PHP to develop their artificial intelligence-enabled projects. AI plays a crucial role in handling large data sets, a function that is made possible by PHP’s ability to connect directly with web servers and databases. Because PHP requires minimal coding, it also makes it easier for non-technical staff to learn how to program and gain access to vital information. As its popularity continues to grow in both business and development communities, more AI projects will likely be developed on PHP as well. Some experts believe that nearly all AI projects will be developed within five years using PHP. So if you want to get ahead of the curve, now is an excellent time to start learning about PHP programming language and why it’s so useful for AI development.

As more businesses are recognizing how artificial intelligence can benefit their operations, more opportunities have been popping up for AI development. One of those is developing artificial intelligence applications with PHP programming language. This powerful language allows developers to build projects that handle large data sets and complex calculations that would be difficult to complete using other languages. It’s also easier to learn than other languages like C++ or Java, making it a great option for non-technical staff who want to get involved in AI projects as well. If you’re interested in learning more about PHP and why it’s so useful for AI development, check out our post on The Top Five Programming Languages For Artificial Intelligence Development. You’ll find all kinds of information about why PHP is such a popular choice among businesses today as well as tips on how you can use it in your artificial intelligence projects going forward.


It has been utilized in artificial intelligence reasoning since its initial days (when it was known as C with Classes). C++ is right now one of the most famous programming dialects in AI improvement. A new report showed that over portion of all open-source AI projects are written in C++. The language’s flexibility and extensibility make it a great choice for artificial intelligence, especially if you want to create custom libraries or build your tools. In addition, many machine learning frameworks are built on top of C++ because they can be compiled directly into binary code. The downside to using C++ is that there are a lot more lines of code than in other languages, which can make debugging more difficult and time-consuming. Also, if you’re new to coding, some consider C++ to be a challenging language to learn. That said, C++ remains an important part of artificial intelligence.

Visual Basic .NET

A widely-used language, Visual Basic .NET is a good choice for artificial intelligence development due to its wide availability and fast coding capabilities. The language was originally developed as a replacement for traditional programming languages that are commonly used in computer applications. Visual Basic .NET is widely considered an introductory level programing language but is still widely used by developers. However, because of its popularity, it may be hard to find knowledgeable people who specialize in Visual Basic .NET AI. Fortunately, it is easy to learn and incorporate into most AI applications. The company has Microsoft at its forefront which means that any resources needed for AI development will be easy to find or already made if you need something specific or have an idea that needs something custom written.

When artificial intelligence research first began, experts had to create their programming languages. Though they’ve since been refined and standardized, VB is an easy language to use and has some of what you need to learn in a complex AI program.VBS isn’t likely to be your only tool, but it could make writing an AI simpler by providing you with commonly used commands. In the case of nothing else, it will give you practice in a more easy to understand language than C++ or Java.


To get started with AI development, you should learn how to program with at least one of these five languages: C++, Java, PHP, Python, and. NET. Your next step should be to develop a Hello World app in each language. By working through these projects and getting a feel for each language, you’ll begin to develop an understanding of which language is best suited to your particular needs. As your understanding grows, so will your options as a developer. You may even find that learning more than one programming language makes sense, depending on what type of project you are working on. After all, why limit yourself? And remember—there are many other languages out there that could be worth learning! Just take it slow and keep up with industry trends; whatever route you choose to take, stick with it, and don’t lose sight of your goals.

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