What is NFTs ?

A non- fungible token also know as an NFT is a digital token used to record transactions through the Ethereum blockchain. However, this cannot be considered similar to that of a bitcoin or ethereum acknowledging the fact that these both still are fungible and exchangeable in order to get the bitcoin cash. NFT’s on the other hand are stored in digital records similar to how cryptocurrencies the cryptocurrencies are recorded. Every single person owns one. NFT’s are represented as a digital asset which can also be compared to a digital passport as it has unique qualities including a non- transferable identity making it different from the others. To keep this short and basic, NFT’s with the help of the block chain technology verify the original owners of a digital product without causing any disputes. Hence, NFT’s could be beneficial for anyone knowing the right way while investing in the digital goods .

However, knowing the right way isn’t as easy as you think. To get to know the right way or investing without any risks, taking up the right course essentially plays a major role as much as it does while you make up with the investment on your digital good. Below are the top 5 NFT courses which will help you in your coming investments.


Since NFT’s are new to most of us, there are many terms one has to go through. Acknowledging from which, this course suits the best for you. This course not only explain you the basic fundamentals but also help you give a clearer image of what you are looking for. It teaches you about the selling, buying and creating of NFT’s . All questions answered at once just by taking up this course.

Coming towards the end of the course, one will have the basic understanding of what NTF’s are and how they work. You will also get a clearer image on how to look up for Platforms for buying, creating or selling. One will get a better idea for important key words and concepts used while making deals or while discussing. You will also learn a brief history about the NFT’s including the NFT block chain basics.

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You will also be provided with PDF’s that that are both printable and can also be downloaded. All is all this course suit in well best for a person completely new to the scheme. Chosen with the best instructors including George Levy an expert, who has taught all around 115,000 students this course stands out and is best for you.


This course is highly recommended for the ones who wish to be on the expert levels for the matter of NFT’s . Through this course one will be able to learn the building of the NFT marketplace. For the fact that many people may find this course a little technical, one does not a need a web development experience in order to get enrolled for the course. How much more interesting could it get? You can rise right from the bottom level to expert.

Coming towards the end of this course, you will have learned about the important codes and will be able to build your own NFT market place. For example:

  • Professional web applications
  • Bootstrap
  • Mocha

Talking about the instructors present, Clarian North and the famous TJ Walker are here to help you. Clarian overall had a total of 60,000 student on Udemy from which a few of them are known to be working on famous companies like Spotify and BBC. TJ Walker on the other side, has an overall strength of 1.2 million students on Udemy making him the legend for all. Therefore, this course is highly recommended for anyone who’s interested in the building of NFT’s with zero web development experience at all.

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Another course which you absolutely cannot miss out on is the complete NFT course. This course has a lot to offer than the previous ones. The word “complete” in the title says it all.

Henriqure Centieiro, your instructor for this course is also known to be as an excellent block chain expert. Not only that but he Is also the author of his 2 best block chain books. So stressing on doubts related to block chain including the NFT’s stays a question out of box because your instructors always there to help you.

In this course you’ll come across the following :-

  • Introduction to NFT’s
  • Why do we need NFT block chains
  • A brief history on NFT’s
  • What’s Ethereum?
  • In-depth study of smart contracts
  • ERC721 token standard.
  • NFT and energy consumption
  • NFT use cases
  • NFT for real world assets
  • Investing in the NFT’s

The list undoubtedly is a long one, Isn’t it? This course however suits in best for a person who is a blockchain enthusiast, a digital artist or a NFT’s collector with a strength of around more than 5000 students.


This course mainly is determined on the NFT’s in the world of cryptocurrency including Ethereum.

Petko Alexandrove , the instructor to this course is also known to be an excellent investor and trader. Not only that but he has also graduated from the Trading university of London and presently has more than 48,000 students within in the Udemy.

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Coming towards the of this course you will be able to understand the following:

  • What is NFT in the crypto world
  • How to buy, sell and create NFT’s
  • Key points of a trustworthy NFT platforms
  • How to recognize a NFT art before it’s on Opensea market place
  • How to build NFT without gas fee
  • Advantages and disadvantages of buying NFT’s
  • How to create 1000 NFT’s and upload them for free
  • What are gas fees with the non fungible tokens

This course is further divided into 3 distinct parts, the basics if NFT, The advanced NFT and the generative NFT art. With the total strength of more than 2000 students, this course suits best for anyone who is interested in crypto traders or investors.


For someone who is interested in getting to know more about digital assets, block chain and digital assets , this course is highly recommended for you. This course could also suits best for beginner who wants to know more about NFT’s and the trading process. Through this course one can get a clearer image of the key differences between fungible and non fungible tokens.

In this course you will be learning about the following:

  • A deep understanding of fungible and non-fungible tokens and the Ethereum Block chain
  • A better understanding of scope of non fungible tokens or NFT’s
  • You will also learn the best ways through which one can build, create and sell on NFT platforms including Opensea .

While participating for this course, you will come across many things including white board sessions, Demo and quizzes making it a lot more engaging with the instructors and the students. Another plus point for this course is you can also use the 101 blockchain coupon code BCHAIN10 to receive a 10% discount exclusively on this excellent course. The NFT is a great option for anyone as the risks aren’t huge with abundant profits.

Thank You ❤️

Read our other blog:- https://foxbugg.com/what-is-the-difference-between-coin-and-token-in-cryptocurrency


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